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Emergency Information


In the case of an emergency, a key to keeping students and staff safe is to remain calm.  As a parent or guardian, be assured that all McAuliffe Elementary Staff are trained annually in regard to the CSSP and Emergeny Operations Plan.  The school site will work as a team to maintain order and safety.  On a monthly basis, we conduct safety drills for fires, lockdowns and earthquakes.  We encourage parents to have discussions with their children about the different types of drills they are prepared.  Remind children to follow staff directions and assure them they are safe at school.  We ask that visitors and volunteers follow staff directions when on school grounds as well.

Communication with Family

During the Day: If a child is ill or injured, parents/guardians will be notified.

Emergency with No Dismissal:  Staff and students follow the procedures corresponding to the emergency.  Students will not go home early nor will they be individually dismissed to the parents.  Parents/guardians will be notified.

Emergency Requiring a Dismissal: Staff and students follow the procedures corresponding to the emergency and students WILL go home early or WILL BE individually dismissed to the parents.  The reunion gate is located at the back of the school adjacent the city park.  Please note that any adult picking up the child will need to bring a valid picture identification and will need to be on the student's Emergency Card.  Read below for more information.

The dismissal of students from the school shall be governed by the emergency procedures outlined in this procedure guide and consistent with the Initial Response System. However, this policy does not preclude the exercise of professional judgment by an administrator when the circumstances of the situation indicate dismissal to be in the best interest of the student.

  1. Mass panic can be one of the greatest dangers to students. 
  2. The teacher or staff member will remain with students until directed otherwise.
  3. During an emergency period or condition created by disaster occurrence students may only be released to parent, guardian or other adult specified on the Emergency Data Card. THERE SHALL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY.
  4. Emergency Announcements will be provided on the following radio stations.

AM Radio Stations:

Ventura: KVTA 1520

Los Angeles: KNX 1070

Spanish: KTRO 1520

FM Radio Stations:

Ventura: KHAY 100.7

Los Angeles: KBIG 104.3

Oxnard: KCAQ105